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— 11. Just a Child

    In King's Landing, at the small council meeting, Cersei ended up sending everyone away when it was revealed that Tyrion was back in the city as the new hand of the king, "I would like to know how you tricked father into this

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    In King's Landing, at the small council meeting, Cersei ended up sending everyone away when it was revealed that Tyrion was back in the city as the new hand of the king, "I would like to know how you tricked father into this." Cersei stated in an angered tone.

"If I were capable of tricking Father, I'd be emperor of the world by now. You brought this on yourself," Tyrion responded as Cersei slowly sat back down in her seat.

"I've done nothing," Cersei replied calmly.

"Quite right," Tyrion responded, nodding his head, "You did nothing when your son called for Ned Stark's head. Now, the entire North has risen up against us with your eldest daughter siding along with them."

"I tried to stop it," Cersei argued with her younger, "I tried to get my daughter back as well."

"Did you? You failed. At both," Tyrion pointed out to Cersei, who glared at him, "That bit of theater will haunt our family for a generation."

"Robb Stark is a child. As is Annalys," Cersei reminded Tyrion, who was quick to make a retort.

"Both of which have won every battle they've fought in together. Did you forget Robb has Annalys whispering in his ear at all times? You know how cunning and intelligent your daughter. She's smarter than both of us put together when she wants to be. With her at the Stark boy's side, they are nearly unstoppable."


At the Stark camp, in Robb's tent, Annalys sat beside Robb in front of Ser Alton Lannister while the rest of the lords were scattered around, "You're Ser Alton Lannister?" Robb questioned the boy standing in front of him.

"I am, Your Grace," Ser Alton responded, nodding his head.

"Annalys and I offer your cousins peace if they meet our terms," Robb announced, glancing over at Annalys before back at Ser Alton, "First, your family must release my sisters. Second, my father's bones must be returned to us so he may rest beside his brother and sister in the crypts beneath Winterfell. And the remains of all those who died in his service must also be returned. Their families can honor them with proper funerals."

"An honorable request, Your Grace." Ser Alton responded before Annalys spoke up.

"Third, my brother and mother must renounce all claim to dominion of the North. They will pardon me for whatever crimes I stand accused of because it is clear that I am innocent of such acts," She commanded, causing Alton to stare at her with wide eyes.

"From this time, till the end of time, we are a free and independent kingdom," Robb added in and Ser Alton glanced between him and Annalys in shock.

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