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— 38. Promises

 In the Dining Hall only a few days later, the Night's Watchmen in the hall talked amongst themselves

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In the Dining Hall only a few days later, the Night's Watchmen in the hall talked amongst themselves. Stannis and Davos were also there, much to Annalys' shock. Jon stood at a table in the front of the room with Allister, Annalys, and two others.

Annalys was snapped out of her thoughts when one of them spoke up, looking directly at Jon. All of the men had heard Jon's announcement about helping the Wildings and all of them were anything but happy.

"You'd bring wildlings here, through our gates?" The unknown man complained, causing Annalys to turn to look at him from her seat next to Jon.

"Men, women, and children will die by the thousands if we do nothing." Jon reminded them in a stern tone, but it was clear that the men of the Night's Watch did not care about the Wildlings, not even the innocent children.

"Let them die. We got our own to worry about. Less enemies for us." The man continued on, leading to some of the other men in the crowd to cheer in agreement.

Annalys sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as an annoyed look grew on her face, "Fewer, you idiot." She muttered under her breath, causing the man to turn and glare at her before Sam suddenly stood up to defend Jon.

"There is good farmland in the Gift," Sam spoke up, only to have people laugh at him in return, "Land that no one uses now. A dozen abandoned villages."

"And why do you think the farmers abandoned those villages?" Another man spoke up, clearly against Jon's command as well, "Because the wildlings raided them for years. Cut them down! Just like they did this boy's people." He explained, pointing toward Olly, who lowered his head and avoided eye contact while Sam sat back down.

   "We've been fighting them all for thousands of years. They've slaughtered villages. They've slaughtered our brothers." Alliser spoke up, leading to Annalys turning to him and glaring.

"And technically, you've slaughtered theirs," She suddenly argued, causing Alliser to shut his mouth, "We're not perfect. None of us are."

Edd sighed in defeat, turning to look at Jon, "I will follow you anywhere, you know that. But they killed Grenn. And they killed Pyp," He explained and many men mumbled in agreement, "They killed fifty of our brothers. I can't forget that. I can't forgive it."

   "You were at the Fist of the First Men. If we abandon them, you know what they become. We can learn to live with the wildlings or we can add them to the army of the dead. Whatever they are now, they're better than that." Jon explained and soon after, many men began to bicker.

Jon turned to Annalys, sighing in defeat. Her eyes wandered around the room, clearly feeling uneasy about the fact that all of the men were against Jon's wishes. If they were all against Jon, it wouldn't end well for him. Annalys knew that. A man couldn't be a leader if he only had two people that were truly loyal to him. Sam and Annalys.

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