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— 98. Alone in the World

  After the horrific battle had ended, Annalys walked through the streets of King's Landing with an unreadable expression on her face

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  After the horrific battle had ended, Annalys walked through the streets of King's Landing with an unreadable expression on her face. The blonde female was forced to cover her mouth, having trouble breathing with ashes polluting the air. Her cheeks were streaked with black soot and she walked past numerous dying bodies at her feet. She moved past every single one of them, rushing toward the Red Keep.

Just then, Jon and Ser Davos approached her, causing her to stop walking for a moment, "I'll find you later," She tried to tell Jon, doing her best to hold back her rage at that moment, "I must--" She cut herself off, her voice cracking as she tried her hardest not to cry, "I need to see what's left of them."

A sad look grew on Jon's face. He knew what Annalys meant. She was talking about Jaime and Cersei. Jon studied Annalys' features. It was unreadable. She seemed to look sad, but he didn't quite know for sure since she looked angry and calm as well.

"It's not safe," Jon argued, fearing what may happen if Annalys saw the corpses of her mother and father on her own, "Let me send some men with you."

He feared for Annalys' state of mind at that moment. Daenerys had clearly gone mad, who was to say Annalys wouldn't follow soon after? Each time she lost someone, Annalys lost apart of herself, everyone knew that. More and more, she grew heartless and cold, she started to become just like her mother. It started when she lost Robb. Losing him changed her, but what would happen when she learned she had lost Jaime and Cersei? Jon feared the result. Now, standing there, Annalys was the last Lannister alive besides Tyrion. However, she was the last child of Cersei and Jaime Lannister.

Her mother had been Lady of Casterly Rock before her death while also being queen, which meant the Rock was left to her heir, regardless of gender. That meant Annalys. Now, as Lady of Casterly Rock, she had control of the West and everything it held alongside having the entirety of the North at her beck and call. Not to mention, if she wanted revenge, the Wildlings would stand by her no matter what. As Tormund had said, Annalys was their Queen. She had been since the moment she saved the lot of them at Hardhome more than three years before.

   If Annalys wanted to, she could start a war and there was no doubt she would win, regardless of how large Daenerys' armies were. Daenerys loved Annalys more than anything else in the world and Annalys loved her just as much, but losing her mother and father? That was the last straw for Annalys. That was clear.

Tyrion, Davos, and Varys had spoken of Annalys' capability of starting a war with Daenerys. They claimed her reason for doing so would be to save her parents, but now, her parents were dead. That made it worse. Her reason for waging war wouldn't be to save her parents, it would be for vengeance. Annalys was unstoppable when she yearned for vengeance, if she went against Daenerys, there was no doubt that she would win.

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