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23. Return to Kings Landing

   It had been over a month since the Red Wedding if Annalys had been counting correctly

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   It had been over a month since the Red Wedding if Annalys had been counting correctly. Weeks had passed and Annalys had been tied up and placed into a carriage, a horse dragging it all the way to Kings Landing. She didn't want to go back, but she had no other choice. She also had a plan once going back. She wasn't planning on staying, but she did, however, plan to stay long enough see Joffrey and her grandfather die. She knew they were the ones mostly responsible for her husband and Catelyn Stark's death and for that, she wanted to see them die in the worst way possible.

Annalys opened her eyes when she heard a man yell to open the gates. She immediately knew she was in Kings Landing. She continued to listen and heard many people talking about her, most of the peasants. Some called her a whore while others were talking about how the wished the former Queen in the North would be ruler of Westeros instead of her brother.

Just then, the carriage came to a halt and soon after, the door to the carriage opened and Annalys found her mother standing before her. Oddly enough, it was relieving to see her mother and not Joffrey. Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion were the only people in Kings Landing she knew for a fact didn't want her dead.

Cersei's eyes scanned Annalys' body, finding it to be covered in dirt. There was a semi-covered up wound on her shoulder from the arrow shot at her during the Red Wedding as well. Her dress was torn, revealing the wound on her thigh from the arrow shot at her. Dirt covered most of Annalys' body, she hadn't bathed in nearly a month and wore the same dress she wore the night everything she had made for herself was taken away.

Her mother sighed, looking almost saddened by Annalys' state. She hadn't seen her daughter in almost three years and this is how she came home? Beaten and broken?

"You said she wouldn't be harmed. I paid you good money so that she would remain unharmed," She told the driver, venom laced in her tone of voice as she spoke up. She was clearly furious, even if she tried her hardest not to show it.

"She killed three of the Frey men, Your Grace," The unknown man responded in a calm tone, "Another one when we attempted to get her in the carriage. We believed it would weaken her and slow her down, but in all honesty, it didn't. She's a fighter, that's for sure."

Cersei turned to the man Annalys couldn't see and almost glared at his attempt to speak positively about the whole ordeal. The man sighed, looking down ashamed before walking away.

  Cersei turned back to Annalys, holding out her hand for her daughter to take, "Come, child," She attempted to speak to Annalys in a soothing tone, "You're home now."

"My home's the North," Annalys replied without hesitation, not looking her mother in the eyes since she knew the woman would be taken aback by what she said, "My home was with my husband and you all killed him."

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