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— 95. Escape to Essos


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After all these years, Annalys had disregarded Cersei's advice since the moment she first heard it as a child. She believed it to be the rambling of a drunk madwoman. But at that moment, she decided to use that advice to make sure she could get what she wanted.

"Nothing's wrong," Annalys responded, grabbing Daenerys' hand before leading her over to the table. She handed Daenerys the glass of wine she picked up off the table. Daenerys smiled up at Annalys, just before taking a large sip.

That night, Annalys used her advice. Every single bit of it. She applied Daenerys with wine. Daenerys soon became drunk after a countless amount of glasses. Then, Annalys slept with her. They spent hours in Daenerys' bed and when they finally grew tired, Annalys laid with her queen in bed. With Daenerys' head rested on her chest and Ananlys stroking the woman's bare back with her hand, Annalys got answers out of her.

Daenerys ended up confessing to her what she was planning. She would destroy the Golden Company and if she found herself still not feeling relieved from her grief, she would burn whatever in King's Landing she saw fit. She was most definitely planning on destroying the Red Keep and Cersei with it.

She ended up confessing to Annalys that her Unsullied had captured Jaime on the Kingsroad. Annalys was shocked by the news, but remained calm. She waited until Daenerys fell asleep in her arms. Once doing so, she left the chambers, now fully dressed.

She ended informing Tyrion, who was already planning on trying to free Jaime. He ended up making his way past the Unsullied guarding the tent Jaime was being held captive in. While Tyrion was distracting the Unsullied with his talking, Annalys made it past them and into Jaime's tent.

She found Jaime there, chained to a wooden post in the middle of the large tent. Annalys stood in place for a moment, looking down at Jaime, clearly disappointed in how stupid he was. Both for leaving her the way he did and also how he got caught.

"How did they find you?" Annalys spoke up, causing Jaime to open his eyes. His back faced Annalys, but he knew who it was by her voice. The same kind of voice that he only heard her use when she was pissed. Extremely pissed. Pissed enough to kill someone with her bare hands.

Jaime remained silent, slowly raising his gold-plated hand in shame, "Did you consider taking it off, you idiot?" Annalys asked her father in annoyance.

"Cersei once called me 'the stupidest Lannister'," Jaime commented, earning a loud scoff from Annalys.

"I'm starting to think she's right." She remarked, walking over to Jaime to talk to him face to face, "And yet, somehow, you're going back to her, to die with her," She added in, sounding disappointed in her father, "You've underestimated her before, Jaime, just as I have. Mother's going to die. I've learned that tonight."

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