Arc 14-623: Let's Go to the South

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Although it was just a simple press and the massage time was not long, Gu Zhili felt a little weird.

Why did he feel that the emperor seemed to know the acupuncture points of the human body quite well, but the other party should not know martial arts.

And without systematically studying the knowledge of the human body, it is impossible to have a clear understanding of the acupuncture points of the human body.

But during the short period of time when the other party gave him a short massage, he felt that the other party's strength was being used where it should be used, and the other party seemed to know the acupuncture points in the body quite well.

Gu Zhili was a little confused.

Naturally, Xiao Wangjun didn't think much about it. After he saw that Gu Zhili seemed to be really comfortable, the two got up.

The servants in the palace brought breakfast, and when the two of them had breakfast, the temperature of the breakfast was also scalding hot.

Xiao Wangjun didn't let the other party eat something that was too hard, so for this breakfast, Gu Zhili used something soft and easy to digest.

Gu Zhili himself didn't quite understand the difference, anyway, he is not a picky person, so he would eat any food in front of him, so he didn't feel the difference between today's breakfast and other breakfasts Different.

It's snowing outside again, and it's still falling heavily.

Many of the eunuchs and maids in the palace were sent out to sweep the snow. Who made them serve too few masters? If this doesn't reflect the value of their own existence, I'm afraid they will also have to be kicked out.

So all the eunuchs and maids in charge of sweeping the snow were very serious.

No matter what the outsiders think of Commander Gu, these eunuchs and court ladies think Commander Gu is very good.

Because since the emperor brought Gu Tongling back, the emperor has not lost his temper very much. Except for those who made a big mistake in principle, the emperor has never killed anyone because of trivial matters.

This is naturally the most gratifying thing for these palace people who serve in the palace.

As for those who made big mistakes in principle, they deserved to die, and no one else would sympathize with them.

All civil and military officials knew about the temper of the former emperor, and so did the eunuchs and maids serving in the palace.

The civil and military officials don't need to get along with the emperor all the time, but these servants...that's true, even if they make a small mistake, they may be killed with a stick.

But now that the emperor doesn't kill people, why doesn't the other party kill people? That's because the other party brought back Commander Gu! Everyone thinks it's all because of Commander Gu, so no matter how people outside look at Commander Gu, whether it's a concubine who is a disaster for the country or something else, anyway, the servants who serve in the palace think Commander Gu is very special. Well, I wish the other party could be with the emperor forever.

At this time, Xiao Wangjun looked at the heavy snow falling outside, and he said: "The third batch of grain and grass has also been sent out. I think it will take another half a month before the border gates in the north can receive it. As you can see, this winter, Will people freeze to death at the northern border?"

"Thinking about it, it probably won't be possible." Gu Zhili affirmed, "Thanks to the emperor's kindness, otherwise this winter in the northern region will be very sad."

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