Arc 15-676: Six were left behind

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After hearing his daughter-in-law's question, Mr. Xiao nodded his dog's head, and then stuck out his dog's paw. Shang Zhiyu has been with him for such a long time, of course he understands the meaning of this action , took the paper towel from the side very skillfully, and helped the other party wipe the other party's dog's paw.

This is a very clean dog, because there is a human soul living in the dog's body. A person will instinctively want to wash his hands after getting dirty. If he is a clean person, he may wash his hands If you want to use some hand sanitizer, then after becoming a dog, of course you will pay special attention to hygiene. Whenever your paws are dirty, you will want to wash them immediately.

Especially Mr. Xiao still has such a condition now, whether it is to ask his wife to wipe his claws or ask other people in this villa to wipe his claws, it is all right.

However, Boss Xiao only allows others to wipe his paws. He does not allow other people to do other things. For example, if someone wants to touch his head or rub his head, then Boss Xiao will It is not allowed, and will bite the other person when they want to do so.

This is a real bite, not the kind of play, and it is also used as a warning.

Before, there was a servant who was serving couldn't hold back, wanted to touch it, and was bitten. In the end, that person went to get a rabies vaccine. There is no way, who made Mr. Xiao himself a dog after all? Well, so after biting someone, he must be vaccinated against rabies. After that incident, no one dared to extend his hand to Mr. Xiao. Others will never dare to do things that cannot be done.

Now everyone else in the villa also knows that Boss Xiao's temper is quite familiar. He knows that he can only help the other party wipe his paws. It can only be done by the young master of their family. For example, blowing hair or something can only be done by the young master of their family.

After his paws were wiped clean, Boss Xiao slowly typed on the tablet. His dog paws are really too inflexible, especially with one leg limping, which makes Boss Xiao feel uncomfortable until now. I don't want to look in the mirror, because every time I look in the mirror, I can't help but feel inferior.

Of course, he also knew that even if he was a dog, he would still be the ugliest kind among creatures like dogs. So he really has no interest in looking in the mirror, even when his wife blows his hair, Mr. Xiao will never sit on the mirror mountain: and: three: ク. In front of him, he would sit next to him and let his daughter-in-law blow his hair like that, which was really smug.

Or it is more appropriate to save face.

Now Boss Xiao typed a line of text on the tablet: "I already know, that person's situation is very special, so it's not surprising that he would explode by himself."

What he is thinking about now is the problem mentioned by the system. If the main god system wants to change the direction of the world, it will be a big trouble. This is a good thing, after all, other people in this world are ordinary people.

If that self-exploding Wang Chenyan finally develops into a fierce ghost, there will really be a lot of trouble. Mr. Xiao is already thinking about whether to find a way to wipe out the soul of that Wang Chenyan, but now he I don't know where that guy's soul is, and I'm really worried that the other party will become a ghost.

It stands to reason that in such a scientific world, if there are ghosts, then the heavens of this world will never allow it, because it represents unfairness. But now the Dao of Heaven in this world has fallen into a deep sleep, and in that plot, the Dao of Heaven is also being targeted severely. The world of Wang Chenyan in the world is simply calling the wind and calling the rain. Wasn't the Dao of Heaven at that time helpless? So after the other party becomes a ghost, maybe it can really develop into the one in the plot memory again. I'm afraid this is also the purpose of Wang Chenyan and the main god system.

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