Arc 16-709: There are many people waiting

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Regardless of how much Lu Chengxuan's brother and sister hate Xiao Wangjun, Xiao Wangjun is doing well now.

When the people of the Zhang family entertained them, they would naturally serve whatever was good. The food is very rich, and the place where I live is quite quiet. Before getting Xiao Wangjun's permission, no one can disturb them now.

That night, when Xiao Wangjun and the others had a good rest, the young master of Zhang's family naturally suffered a lot, because he stretched nine times that night.

Basically, it can be said that the whole night was spent in diarrhea. The head of the Zhang family and his wife have been with him all the time, and his youngest son stayed here overnight. Seeing his youngest son running to the toilet non-stop, the husband and wife were naturally very distressed, but they also found that the youngest son, both After so many trips to the toilet, I didn't see the other party's strength...

Is there something wrong with this? Even if a normal person had diarrhea so many times in one night, he would probably lose his strength a long time ago, but their youngest son was clearly in poor health during this time, and he didn't even have the strength to walk normally, but the other party After pulling so many times, every time I don't need others to support me, I just run back and forth by myself.

Is this something wrong? While the husband and wife looked at each other in blank dismay, they were still a little bit happy, because at least it represented that their youngest son was still quite strong.

After dawn outside, their youngest son finally stopped pulling, and the child could finally close his eyes and sleep peacefully for a while. The husband and wife hadn't slept all night, so they also went back to their room to sleep.

What the Patriarch of the Zhang family didn't know was that someone came to visit early this morning. Of course, the person who came to visit was not for the members of the Zhang family, but because of the pharmacist brought back by the Zhang family.

After all, what happened at the city gate yesterday was widely publicized, especially when many people saw the upgrade of the captain of the city gate guard.

Some people know that the captain was seriously injured before, and his strength has been declining in the past two years, and he has not been able to make progress.

But it was just a bottle of potion, the team leader broke through immediately, which shows how powerful the potion master is, so people with some problems at home naturally came to the door. Originally they found the inn, but after hearing that the master of medicine was taken back by the head of the Zhang family, naturally those who wanted to find the master of medicine could only find the Zhang family.

It's a pity that the head of the Zhang family and Mrs. Zhang are both sleeping to catch up on sleep. Those who came to visit only saw the nephew of the head of the Zhang family. The eldest young master of the Zhang family took people to a first-tier city to find a pharmacist, and the second young master of the Zhang family was not at home, so the only person who can take charge now is the nephew of the head of the Zhang family.

The nephew of the Zhang family asked three questions about the strength of the pharmacy master. The nephew of the patriarch said he didn't know because he didn't understand. But he also said that his younger brother's condition has improved a lot. As for whether he can recover, he doesn't know, and the head of the Zhang family didn't tell him.

As for where the Patriarch of the Zhang family is now, the nephew said that the other party took care of the youngest son yesterday, so he is resting now and it is not easy to disturb him.

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